Ingredients:400g flour I 3 eggsI approx. 250ml milk I salt I 4 tbsp. oil or butterI200g grated Emmental cheese I 2 onions I 2 tbsp. chopped fresh parsleyPreparation:1. For the “Spaetzle” noodles stir the flour with the eggs first. Then add as much milk as it isa creamy dough, which tearing falls from the spoon. Add salt and continue to stir the doughwith the whisk until bubbles emerge from the dough. Let the dough rest for about 10minutes.2. Boil water in a large pot and press the Spaetzle portions through a Spaetzle or potato ricerinto the boiling water. Then cook the noodles until they float on the surface. Remove themfrom the water and drain them well.3. Heat now half of the oil or butter in a pan and pan the Spaetzle carefully. Add now thegrated emmental cheese and mix it well with noodles. Peel the onions and slice them intorings. Pan them with the other half of the oil/butter and arrange them onto the cheeseSpaetzle together with the fresh chopped parsley.
Black Forest Cherry Tartlets
Ingredients*:approx. 2 chocolate biscuit cake bases I 1 jar (morello) cherries (about 370g drained netweight) I 2 tbsp. sugar I 2 tsp. cornstarch I kirsch or cherry brandy I 500g whipped cream I 70g icing sugar I 4 EL chocolate raspsPreparation:1. Drain the cherries in a sieve and collect the juice in a container under the sieve (about400ml). Mix the juice with 2 tablespoons of sugar and the mixture of the cornstarch with alittle bit of cold water. Boil the juice, add the cherries, mix everything and let it cool down alittle bit.2. Cut out small pieces/circles with a glass/dessert cup from the chocolate cake base (2pieces per glass/serving). Put one piece of the cake base on the bottom of each dessert glass.Now sprinkle as much cherry brandy on the dough as you like. Then spread half of the cherrymixture on the biscuit.3. Whip the cream together with the icing sugar until it stiffs. Give one half of the cream onthe cherries with a pastry bag or spoon. Then repeat to put a piece of biscuit cake base,cherry brandy, cherries and the cream topping. Last but not least arrange some chocolaterasps and one or two left cherries as decoration. *Recipe for approx. 10 servings.